Set up Mix-n-match Bundle

Hello store owners!

This article will guide you on how to set up a Mix-n-match Bundle with SnapBundle.

What is Mix-n-match bundle?

mix-and-match bundle (or customizable bundle) is a type of product bundle where customers can choose their own combination of products from a predefined selection. Unlike fixed bundles, mix-and-match bundles give customers the flexibility to pick the items they want, often while still enjoying a discount or special offer.

Create a Mix-n-match Bundle

Step 1: From the app dashboard, select Mix-n-match bundle

From the Dashboard of your app admin, choose "Mix-n-match bundle"

Step 2: Set a name for your offer

Choose a distinct name for your Mix-n-match bundle. This name is only for internal management and won't be shown to your customers

Step 3: Choose display widget

Our app offers 2 widget layouts to fit in different screen and different page of your store. You can choose between Vertical layout or Horizontal layout

  • The Vertical layout is for your product page only, in the product information section
  • The Horizontal layout can be shown on both Home page and Product page.

For widgets on product page, you can select if you would like to show the bundle on

  • Every product page
  • Or, Product page of bundle products only

Step 4: Select products for your bundle

With the customized bundle, you can provide some collections or categories for the customers to select from. You are free to set up:

  • Section name, image, products
  • How many items customers have to add for each section
  • Description (optional)

Step 5: Set discount for your bundle

You can make your bundle more attractive with discount. There are 4 options:

  • Percentage off
  • Amount of bundle
  • Bundle price
  • No discount given

Step 6: Discount combination

The bundle offer can be also combined with Shopify native discounts if you wish.

Step 7: Save your configuration

After finalizing all settings, click "Save" button on top of the screen to let your offer go live. Make sure your app-embed is on in your theme then review the created bundle on your live store.

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