Introduction to Buy X Get Y campaign

Hello store owners!

This article will introduce you to the BXGY campaign, the first campaign type of BOGO+. After reading the article, you should know how to properly set up your BXGY campaign.

What is BXGY?

BXGY is a promotion type. Customers need to buy a sufficient amount of a specific product in order to be eligible to receive a special offer.

For example: Buy 2 Cacao Bake get 1 Barry Bucket at 50% OFF

You can even set up multiple levels of BXGY with our app.

For example: Buy 3 Cacao Bake get 1 Barry Bucket FREE

With multiple levels of BXGY, you can encourage the customers to buy even more and increase AOV.

Create BXGY campaign

Step 1: Go to the Campaigns tab, click New campaign, and select Buy X Get Y

Step 2: Fill in the Campaign name

Campaign name: the name of the campaign, this will not be shown in the storefront but it's used to manage your campaign list. Try to make it as descriptive as possible.

Step 3: Select the trigger items (X)

On the Customer buys (X) you will see there are 3 options to include in Buy X Get Y Campaign

  • Specific products: The campaign will be applied to the selected products
  • Specific collections: The campaign will be applied to the selected collections
  • All collections: The campaign will be applied to all collections in your store

Step 4: Promotion rule

  • Same variants: The discount only applies if the customer adds the same variants.
  • Any variants: The discount applies if the customer adds any variants.

Step 5: Select offer items (Y) and set the discount value

Select the offer that you want to give customers when they reach the quantity of trigger items. You can choose more than 1 offer.

Then, set discount tiers for the campaign. You can have more than one tier. There are 3 options for discount type: Free, Percentage and Amount

If you want to have different tiers by multiplying the first tiers (e.g Buy 2 get 1, buy 4 get 2 or Buy 1 get 1, buy 2 get 2), you can choose the option "Multiply based on the quantity"

With the option of Manual as Offer Claim behavior, you can set the limit of offers customers can receive. For example, as the setup below customers can receive one of two offers (Babydoll Bow Dress and Baldo Pant)

Step 6: Choose Offer claim behavior

  • Automated: The discount is automatically applied when conditions are met.
  • Manual: Customers can manually claim the offer via a popup when eligible.

Select the behavior that best suits your promotional strategy.

Step 7: Active dates

You can schedule Start date and End date for the campaign

The time zone is based on your default settings in Shopify admin

Step 8: Promotion display

This setting help you to easily inform campaign to customer. Turn on "Promotion display" in Preview section on the right side to see how they display on the storefront

  • Badge: There are two types of badges: Image and Text to inform the customer about the campaign
  • Offer table: shows all discount tiers in your campaign
  • Gift thumbnail: is displayed on the product page to show gifts customers can receive
  • Countdown timer: triggers customer's FOMP. It is shown when you set the end date

Step 9: Discount usage limitation

This allows you to set restrictions on how the discount can be used in your campaign to control its availability and prevent misuse.

  • Limit the total number of usages in this campaign:
    • Set a maximum number of times the discount can be used throughout the entire campaign.
    • Once this limit is reached, the discount will no longer be available to customers.
  • Limit to one use per customer:
    • Restrict each customer to using the discount only once.
    • This limitation is based on the customer's unique email filled at checkout.

Step 10: Combination

Enable combining this discount with Product, Order, and Shipping discounts for flexible promotional options. Adjust combinations based on your sales strategy for optimal results.

Step 11: Campaign targeting

Here are some advanced configuration options that can help you set up a private campaign for certain customer groups:

You can only choose one of the three options if necessary

  • Customer tags: Determine the campaign's visibility based on customer tags.
  • Target location: Determine the campaign's visibility based on customer location.
  • Promotion URL: Create a promotion URL that customers can use to access the offer by clicking the link.

Step 12: Check the campaign summary and Save

All the information about the campaign will appear in the Summary tab. You can check it again to see if you've configured everything right. After that hit Save to save the campaign.


Last but not least, our amazing support team is just a click away! For any help, simply tap the support button in the bottom right corner of the app.

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