What does it mean to switch to discount code flow?


1. What is automatic discount and discount code

  • When creating discounts with Shopify, you will have 2 options to choose from: Automatic discount: Discount will be applied automatically to cart when it reaches specific conditions Discount code: Discount that customers need to manually input at checkout to be applied

    2. Why do I need to switch from automatic discount to discount code?

  • By default, offers from our app will be created as automatic discounts for the best experience. However, Shopify only allows a maximum of 25 active automatic discounts at the same time.
  • To overcome this limitation, if you already have 25 active automatic discounts and still want to create more offers with our app, we will switch the next offers to discount code flow. So a discount code is created instead of automatic discount. Please note that, in one order, you can still only apply 5 codes at a time maximum, but you can create unlimited discount codes.

    3. What happen when you switch to discount code flow?

  • Nothing significant. By default, with discount code flow, customers have to input manually, but our app will handle that part and still add the offer automatically to cart as usual for the most streamlined experience.
  • So in your storefront, nothing is different between these two flows. It is only different from our side in the back end.

If there are any problems, don't hesitate to contact us at our email: [email protected]"

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