FAQs| How will the prices be changed when I create a Flash sale?

Question: How will the prices be changed when I create a Flash sale?

Answer: When you create a Flash sale to decrease product prices in your store, the prices change according to the logic as follows:

1. If you choose to change the Price field

The discount will be calculated based on your original price.

For example, Product A || Price: $320 CAP: N/A

Discounted A: After 50% discount on Price || Price: $160 CAP: $320

In case your product has Compare-at-price, it will change as follows:

For example: Product B || Price: $320 CAP: $500

Discounted B: After 50% discount on Price || Price: $160 CAP: $320

Your old compare-at-price ($500) will still be back after the task ends.

2. If you choose to change the Compare-at-price field

The discount will be calculated based on your original Compare-at-price

For example: Product B || Price: $320 CAP: $500

Discounted B: After 50% discount on Compare-at-price || Price: $250 CAP: $500

If your product doesn't have Compare-at-price originally but you choose this option, a new CAP will be added

For example: Product A || Price: $320 CAP: N/A

Discounted A: After 50% discount on Compare-at-price || Price: $320 CAP: $640

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