Translation setup

Welcome store owners! This guide will help you translate BOGO+ elements into your preferred languages using the latest BOGO+ tool. By the end of this article, you'll know how to correctly configure the language settings for your store.

Brief overview

  • The new translation tool on BOGO+ is designed to help merchants seamlessly translate their promotional campaigns and offers into multiple languages.
  • The default language of BOGO+ is English, but you can customize translations for these key elements: Campaign elements, BOGO widgets, Banner, Countdown timer, Volume offers.

What advantages does this tool offer?

  • By providing content in their native language, customers feel more valued and understood, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Save time and resources by automating the translation process, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business.

Step-by-step instructions

Step 1: Publish language in Shopify settings

Go to the Settings section -> Navigate to Language -> Click Add language, select your desired language -> Click Add -> Scroll to Unpublished languages -> Publish.

Step 2: Translate in Campaign setting

  1. BXGY Campaign: Navigate to popup heading and description -> Click Translation -> Select your desired language -> Fill in the fields with the phrases you want to change to the selected language -> Click Save to save your change

  1. For BXGX Campaign: Navigate to popup heading and description -> Click Translation -> Select your desired language -> Fill in the fields with the phrases you want to change to the selected language -> Click Save to save your change

  1. For GWP Campaign: Navigate to popup heading and description -> Click Translation -> Select your desired language -> Fill in the fields with the phrases you want to change to the selected language -> Click Save to save your change

  1. For Volume discount Campaign: Navigate to popup heading and description -> Click Translation -> Select your desired language -> Fill in the fields with the phrases you want to change to the selected language -> Click Save to save your change

📌NOTE: Remember to save your campaign so that any changes you've made to the language translation are applied and saved.

Step 3: Translate in Setting tabs

  1. Popup: Go to Popup section -> Click on Translation -> ** Select** the desired language variant from the list -> Fill in the fields with the phrases you want to change to the selected language -> Click Save to save your changes

  1. Snackbar: Go to the Snackbar section and then scroll down -> Click on Translation -> Select the desired language variant from the list -> Fill in the fields with the phrases you want to change to the selected language -> Click Save to save your changes.

  1. BXGY offer table: Go to the BXGY offer table section -> Click on Translation -> Select the desired language variant from the list -> Fill in the fields with the phrases you want to change to the selected language -> Click Save to save your changes.

  1. BXGX offer widget: Go to the BXGX offer widget section -> Click on Translation -> Select the desired language variant from the list -> Fill in the fields with the phrases you want to change to the selected language -> Click Save to save your changes.

  1. Volume offer list: Go to the Volume section -> Click on Translation -> Select the desired language variant from the list -> Fill in the fields with the phrases you want to change to the selected language -> Click Save to save your changes.

  1. Countdown timer: Go to the Countdown timer section -> Click on Translation -> Select the desired language variant from the list -> Fill in the fields with the phrases you want to change to the selected language -> Click Save to save your changes.

  1. Promotion banner: Go to the Promotion Banner section -> Choose the “Customize†section -> Click on Translation -> Select the desired language variant from the list -> Fill in the fields with the phrases you want to change to the selected language -> Click Save to save your changes.

  1. Progress bar banner: Go to the Progress bar banner section -> Choose the Customize section -> Click on Translation -> Select the desired language variant from the list -> Fill in the fields with the phrases you want to change to the selected language -> Click Save to save your changes.

📌 NOTE: The Progress bar banner is available and will only display when used in a Gift With Purchase campaign.

Step 4: Check your BOGO elements in the storefront

When a customer selects a display language on the storefront, the BOGO elements will be translated according to the content they have configured!


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