Pricing FAQs - Subscription Plans

  1. Can I use the app for free?

Yes, our app provides a free plan with full access to all campaigns with unlimited advanced features.

  1. Can I pay yearly?

Yes, we have a specific discount of up to 30% off, please reach out to our support team to join.

  1. How does this app pricing work?

Our app pricing is based on the Shopify plan you have subscribed to. The app fee works will be charged via Shopify Payment, following the app subscriptions charges workflow of Shopify.

  1. Can I select a different plan than my Shopify plan?

No. BOGO+ app plans are created to match your Shopify plan with unlimited features on any plan

  1. Will my pricing plan be updated when downgrade or update my Shopify store plan?

No, regardless of the Shopify plan that you may downgrade or upgrade to, your pricing plan will still be the same as the Shopify plan that you had originally when approving the app charge. Unless you uninstall the app and start over.

  1. Can I cancel the app subscription at any time without penalty?

Yes, you can cancel the app subscription at any time without penalty. However, make sure that you consider app billing cycles when you plan to uninstall an app. Since app charges start on the first day of an app's billing cycle, you are billed even if you uninstall the app after you upgrade to the pay plan.

If you have further questions regarding our app pricing, please feel free to contact us via chat, or email: [email protected]

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