Introduction to Customer tag feature
Hello store owners!
Would you like to limit the availability of promotions to specific groups of customers to increase personalized offers, since not every promotion is relevant to all customers? If so, we are thrilled to announce our new Customer Tag feature. This feature allows you to display promotions tailored to each group of customers. Currently, this feature is available for all campaigns.
Note: To be able to see the promo, customers with the selected tags must log in to the account created with your store.
Below are the steps to set up your Customer Tag with campaigns:
In this article, we will go with an example of a customer named Jenifer - who has the tag VIP.
Step 1: Set the tag for your customers from your store admin
From your Shopify store admin, navigate to the Customers section from the right menu panel. Then, select customers to set the tag and enter the tag you want. In case you've already set up a tag for your customers, please skip to the next step.
For example: We set up for Jenifer a VIP tag on the store admin.
Step 2: Set a tag for customers from our app
Choose the campaign which you only want to show for customers with the tag. On the campaign settings, navigate to the Advanced Configuration section.
Enter the tag that you just created from Customers section of your store admin. Continue to the example of Step 1, customer Jenifer has a VIP tag. Now, we enter this tag in the text box.
Note: Make sure the tag that you enter in the field is the same as the one that you've created from your Shopify store.
Step 3: Save the campaign
Congratulations! You have set up your Customer Tag successfully.
How to check if it works?
When visiting your online store as a guest, the guest will only be able to view promotions that do not have the tags.
If a campaign has a tag that we have set up, you will need to log in with an available account to be able to view the promotion. For instance, if you log in as Jenifer, who is tagged as a VIP, she will be able to view and receive the BXGY campaign.
Last but not least, our amazing support team is just a click away! For any help, simply tap the support button in the bottom right corner of the app