Introduction to Product add-ons feature

  1. What is Product add-ons feature?

  • Add-ons are a section within the checkout box that can include features like shipping protection, gift wrapping, or extra products
Note: This feature will generate a new product in your store using the name specified in the add-on title, and the product will be visible on your storefront. If you prefer not to display the add-on product on your storefront, please refer to our guide on How to hide a product on Shopify, or our team can assist you with the setup.
  1. How to set it up?

  • Navigate to cart editor and enable product add-ons

  • Select template: Slide widget or checkbox type

  • Add add-on product (With shipping protection and gift wrapping):
    • Add-on type: select additional product that you want to offer, shipping protection, gift wrapping or product add-on

      Add-on title: Name of the product that will shown on your cart

      Add-on subtitle: Description of product

      Price settings:
      • Fixed price: set a fixed price for your product
      • Tier price: Based on total cart value, you can add a maximum of 3 pricing tier

  • Add add-on product (with product)
    • You can select a maximum of 1 product to add
    • Add-on title will be followed by the product you selected or you can change

  • Preview
These are the settings when you finish setting up product add-ons

  1. Support

  • Last but not least, our dedicated support team is right around the corner. You can always find and ask for support by clicking the Live chat button if any problems arise
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