Introduction to Pre-order campaign

"Hello store owners!

This article will guide you on how to set up a Preorder campaign for both out-of-stock and available products

Part 1: How to set it up?

  1. Step 1: Choose "Create campaign"

You can create a Preorder campaign by clicking on the "Create campaign" button on the Home page or Campaign page of our app

  • Case 1: Home page

Case 2: Campaign page

  1. Step 2: Fill in the campaign name on the "Campaign name" card

The name of the campaign will not be shown in the storefront, but it's used to manage your campaign list. Try to make it different for each campaign

  1. Step 3: Choose products that will be applied to pre-order

Please enable "Continue selling when out-of-stock" in product admin to allow customers to place preorders

In case you want to filter products by quantity to choose products faster, our app can help you select by quantity with 2 options: "Equal to" and "Lower than". This filter will apply to the product level, not to the variant level

In this example, we will create a Pre Order campaign with products whose quantity is lower than 10

After filling in the number of stock, please click on "Browse Products" to complete the filter process and choose the products you want.

  1. Step 4: Schedule for pre-order campaign (optional)

If you don't want to inactive campaign manually, you can enable the scheduled preorder date and time to run the campaign automatically

  1. Step 5: Create "payment plan" to charge your customers

You can choose your desired payment mode:

  • Full payment: your customers will be charged the whole price when they check out
  • Partial payment: your customers have to pay an upfront payment when they check out. The remaining payment will be charged on the date you set up.

In this payment mode, you can also use discounts to promote your customers by percentage or by amount

In this example, I will choose full payment with a discount of 10%

  1. Step 6: Set up the "Expected delivery date"

If you want to show the expected delivery date to your customers, you have to enable this card first. Then you can choose:

  • On a specific date: This will show an expected ship date on your storefront
  • As soon as possible: You will ship the item immediately when it is restocked
  • Unknown: If the delivery date is uncertain

In this example, I will set up shipping by a specific date on 2024-11-23

  1. Step 7: Check the campaign summary and hit "Save"

All the information about the campaign will appear in the Summary tab. You can check it again to see if you've configured everything right. After that, hit Save to save the campaign

Part 2: Show pre-order widget on your storefront

Once set up, the preorder table and button will be shown on your product page.

By setting up Preorder campaigns, you can ensure your customers never miss out on their desired products. Happy selling!"

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