Introduction to Back In Stock campaign

"Hello store owners!

This article will guide you on how to set up a Back in Stock Notification.

Part 1: How to set it up?

  1. Step 1: Fill in the campaign name on the "Capaign name" card

The name of the campaign will not be shown in the storefront, but it's used to manage your campaign list. Try to make it different for each campaign

  1. Step 2: Choose products that will be applied when out-of-stock

You can select the products that you want to show the notify button when your products are out-of-stock. You can choose:

  • Select specific products
  • Select specific collections
  • Select by quantity

In case you want to filter products by quantity to choose products faster, our app can help you select by quantity with 2 options: "Equal to" and "Lower than". This filter will apply to the product level, not to the variant level

In this example, we will create a Back in Stock campaign with products whose quantity is lower than 10

  1. Step 3: Sele

This feature allows you to choose available products that have something in common with the out-of-stock products you have set up above. You can choose:

  • Suggested by products: you can choose similar products manually
  • Suggested by product tags: We will detect out-of-stock product tags to suggest them automatically
  • Suggested by collections: We will detect a collection of out-of-stock products to suggest them automatically

  1. Step 4: Hit the "Save" button to save your settings

Part 2: Showing button and popup on your storefront

Once set up, when your products are out-of-stock, "Notify when available" will be shown on your product page, below two buttons "Sold out" and "But it now" of your theme

When your customers click on the "Notify me" button, there is a popup for them to fill email

By setting up Back in Stock Notifications, you can keep customers informed and boost sales when products are restocked. Happy selling!"

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